January 2022 News Letter
Hi Neighbors,
We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and find it off to a great start. Please know, in the future, we’ll post news-worthy items of interest and information directly on our website and include a link for everyone’s convenience. We’ll simply forward an email reminder that new postings have been added.
Important items of interest:
The Great Mulwood HA has a new website, please click on the link: www.GreaterMulwood.net
Easier functionality for us to post items of interest.
Same ability to login to meetings the 1st Thursday of each month @ 7pm.
LA Pierce College will begin weekly drive through Covid testing starting Tue. Jan 11am, Tuesday – Saturday, till June. Use the below QR code to sign up. See below.
Construction at Old Topanga and Mulholland Highway near CHS is expected to be completed by end February. Retaining walls, sidewalks and So Cal Edison projects are in the process of completion.
Finally. Below are some important events our City Council will be tackling in upcoming meetings.
Development of a finely tuned long-Range Strategic Plan – next week
Frequent power outages – include Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) by SoCal Edison – next week
Discussion how to reduce methane gases coming from our landfills. – next week
by directing our leftover food scraps into our green recycling bins.
Best regards,
Ed Albrecht, Greater Mulwood HA, Pres.